Expressing the voice of Indigenous people, the First Nations voice, in support of Israel through education and advocacy.


“We are at a crisis point in our nation re antisemitism and our education system, particularly in the universities, has been a breeding ground for it. We need to intervene however at the earliest level to provide teachers with modules that will dispel false narratives and build empathy, compassion and a sense of identification with children of diverse backgrounds. As well as our Indigenous Friends of Israel International public education program, we are working with a curriculum writer in Brisbane and the WE ARE HERE (WAH) Foundation Perth on a school program that aligns with the national curriculum and builds on WAH’s successful In My Pocket project. It will build resilience in children to withstand some of the antisemitic material in the media. Once the modules are ready, we will be looking for schools to be involved in a pilot program.” 

by Barbara Miller, Cofounder of Indigenous Friends of Israel International.

“As antisemitic voices and acts of hatred emerge in a daily torrent competing for a central stage position, it is imperative now, more than ever, to provide Australian teachers and school leaders with an alternative voice and potential for acts filled with compassion, respect for diversity and reaching out to connect with and understand our Jewish neighbours. It is of utmost importance and urgency to develop these teaching units on antisemitism for Australian schools in conjunction with the national curriculum, and together with teams from Indigenous Friends of Israel International and WE ARE HERE! Foundation. These units will guide teachers in how to discuss concepts of antisemitism, displacement of people groups, ethics and justice through quality literature such as the inspirational story, In My Pocket. It is a privilege to be involved in the writing of these units which have the potential to be a catalyst for change in our communities.”

Shoshana Linnane, Brisbane-based educator, curriculum writer and advocate for Israel.

Jill and Eli Rabinowitz of the WE ARE HERE! Foundation have spent the past two years educating thousands of upper primary school children in Australia and South Africa. Their In My Pocket Project is about seven year old Dorrith Sim’s escape from danger from Kassel Germany to Edinburgh Scotland in July 1939, and is an uplifting true story of rescue and survival which also speaks to the current situation of refugees and displaced children around the globeIn My Pocket is a free two-hour workshop of a book reading with a creative art activity for upper primary classrooms (Grades 5 and 6).

Jill and Eli Rabinowitz,
WE ARE HERE! Foundation

Upcoming Event

Zoom Seminar 17.2.25 7pm AEDT

Speakers Eli and Jill Rabinowitz, WE ARE HERE Foundation, Shoshana Linnane, curriculum writer & childhood education specialist and Barbara Miller, cofounder Indigenous Friends of Israel International.
Topic: Antisemitism education development in schools.

Find out more

William Cooper Book Sale

From Nov 9 (Kristallnacht) to Dec 6 (William Cooper protest), we have three books on sale (Australia only).

Gentle Warrior-book

Gentle Warrior

White Australia Has A Black History

White Australia Has A Black History

Shattered Lives Broken Dreams

Shattered Lives Broken Dreams

Press Release



“It is a retrograde step by the Australian government to support a UN motion which effectively requires Israel to withdraw from so called “occupied territories” said co-founders of the Indigenous Friends of Israel International, Norman and Barbara Miller today. 

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Indigenous Friends of Israel International ZOOM event 24 6 24 hosted by Norman & Barbara Miller

Speakers – Hon Alfred Ngaro, Director Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem & co-founder Indigenous Coalition for Israel, former NZ Cabinet Minister & first Cook Islander MP in NZ Parliament. Grand Chief Lynda Prince, Envoy to Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem and President of First Nations North America. She recently hosted a First Nations Summit in North America. Ambassador Amir Maimon, Israel’s ambassador to Australia representing the government of Israel in Australia during the difficult time of the rise of antisemitism since Oct 7.

Interview of B Miller, Indigenous Friends of Israel by Luke Williams, Cairns Post re ICC and Israel 24.5.24

24.5.24 in response to press release

Israel’s Independence Day Interview 14.5.24

by Vision Christian Radio’s Andrew McLennan of Norman & Barbara Miller re Australia’s Vote at UN

On Eve of Anniversary of 14 May 1948 birth of the Modern State of Israel, Australia Betrays Israel 13.5.24

Norman Miller Speaking About Indigenous Friends of Israel at Shalom Israel Melbourne 5.7.18

Standing with Israel – Jews, Christians and First Nations People.

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