“The tragic killing of Australian aid worker Lalzawmi ‘Zomi’ Frankcom, along with six of her colleagues, in Gaza a few days ago has rightly drawn the criticism of the Australian government even though initial reports are that it was accidental,” said...
“Australia is letting down the only democratic state in the Middle East, Israel, and letting down its no 1 ally in the world, the US, in a distressing loss of moral compass and strategic naivete,” said founders of the Indigenous Friends of Israel, Norman and Barbara...
“Each-way Albo has turned Australia into an each-way state trying to appease the antisemites and appear to be friendly to Israel at the same time. Chamberlain has shown us that the path of appeasement is dangerous as it just emboldens those with no moral conscience,”...
Indigenous Friends of Israel founders Norman and Barbara Miller condemn the ignorance, racism, and antisemitism of the Greens MPs in the Australian Senate in recent weeks and of the Greens’ mayoral candidate for Brisbane, Mr Sri. Mr Sri made a post calling for...
Indigenous Friends of Israel founders Norman and Barbara Miller refuted the claims of Brother Ismael recently at the Al Madina Dawah Centre, southwest Sydney that Hamas is not a terrorist organisation. He also called for Jihad. Indigenous Friends of Israel also raise...