White Australia Has A Black History

White Australia Has A Black History

White Australia Has A Black History: William Cooper And First Nations Peoples’ Political Activism (2019) by Barbara Miller

Some say he was Australia’s Martin Luther King. William Cooper saw his Aboriginal people dying around him and decided to work for the “uplift” of his people. Starvation and discrimination took their toll. He became passionate that they should have a voice in Australia’s federal parliament. But his people could not vote and were not even counted in the census.

Review by Dr Esme Bamblett, CEO, Victorian Aborigines Advancement League, Melbourne

“…I recommend this book as important reading for all Australians to learn about the depth of the struggle for Aboriginal people in Australia and the collective leadership who were prepared to continue to fight for the rights of Aboriginal people. It documents the legacy of leaders like William Cooper who hand down the baton to the next generation to continue the struggle…”